Laser Assisted Periodontal Therapy (LAP-T)

Explains Laser Bacterial Removal (LBR) and Laser Assisted Periodontal Therapy (LAP–T) in easy to understand terms.
Explains Laser Bacterial Removal (LBR) and Laser Assisted Periodontal Therapy (LAP–T) in easy to understand terms.
Explains Laser Bacterial Removal (LBR) and Laser Assisted Periodontal Therapy (LAP–T) in easy to understand terms.
Treatment recommendations for Type I, Type II, Type III, and Type IV Periodontitis with CDT billing code information on the back.
Treatment recommendations for Type I, Type II, Type III, and Type IV Periodontitis with CDT billing code information on the back. Double sided.
Treatment recommendations for Type I, Type II, Type III, and Type IV Periodontitis with CDT billing code information on the back. Double sided.
Treatment recommendations for Type I, Type II, Type III, and Type IV Periodontitis with CDT billing code information on the back. Double sided.
Send your patients home with detailed home care instructions.
Colors show patients their gingival health status. Green is healthy, yellow is gingivitis, and orange to red represents the different levels of periodontitis.
Ask simple and patient-friendly questions so they understand their cavity risks and can improve their home care routine.
The Suite Hygiene Box utilizing Traditional Periodontal Therapy would also contain color coordinated file folders with 100 Cavity Risk Assessments, 100 Gum Tissue Assessments, 50 Type I Periodontitis Treatment Recommendations, 50 Type II Periodontitis Treatment Recommendations, 25 Type III Periodontitis Treatment Recommendations, 25 Type IV Periodontitis Treatment Recommendations, and 100 Periodontal Therapy Home Care Instructions forms. Includes a Users Manual.
The Suite Hygiene Box using Laser-Assisted Periodontal Therapy has the same materials plus the 50 forms explaining Laser-Assisted Periodontal Therapy (LAP-T) and 50 forms explaining Laser Bacterial Reduction. Includes a Users Manual.
Shows Gum Tissue Assessment
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